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jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

English Assignment III 4th year B

english assignment III
4th year B

   El presente trabajo se realiza de forma personal. No se admitirán respuestas similares entre estudiantes.
La presentación del trabajo via electrónica debe conservar el formato original. De no ser así el trabajo deberá ser hecho nuevamente o será desaprobado.
Si no entiende alguna de las consignas o alguna palabra, utilice diccionario (del formato más accesible). Si tienes alguna duda puedes consultar por los medios electrónicos disponibles.
Fecha de entrega: Lunes 11 de mayo de 2020, 12,30 hs.
Nombre: _______________________________________________________________________

Complete the following text using the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
Santa Claus was dead and Rick knew who _________ (kill) him, but he needed proof.

The sun 
_______ (shine) brightly as Rick ________ (walk) down the steps of the plane. He ________ (smile) at the pretty young flight attendant and _______ (ask) for her phone number. She _________ (smile) back and ________ (refuse). Rick was in Tripoli. It was December 18th, one week before Christmas.

________ (walk) through customs with a bottle of Jack Daniels and 600 Malboro under his arm when he _________ (see) The Fat Man who was wearing a white suit, white tie with a white shirt and a white hat. He looked dirty in spite of the clothes.

The Fat Man was famous in Tripoli. He 
_______ (know) as Mr. Ten Percent, and he could get anything illegal-for the right price; guns, drugs, girls, Eminem CD’s.

‘Rick’, said The Fat Man, ‘It’ 
_________ (be) a long time. Welcome back to Tripoli.’

‘Hi Fats’, said Rick, ‘What 
_________you _________ (do) here, ________ you _________ (wait) for a suitcase of Cocaine?’

‘He He He, Rick, always joking. I see you 
_________ (not lose) your sense of humour. Come with me my friend, my car is outside and there’s someone who ________ (want) to meet you.
Rick wasn’t stupid. The Fat Man knew all the criminals, thieves, prostitutes and politicians in Tripoli. He ________ (get) into The Fat Man’s Ford Fiesta. It _________ (smell) of beer and cigarette smoke. Arabic music _________ (play) on the radio as they __________ (leave) the airport.

‘So where are we going Fats?’ asked Rick, ‘We’ 
___________ (drive) for nearly an hour.’
The Fat Man 
________ (not answer). They had left the city and _______ (drive) through Libya’s brown countryside.

The Ford Fiesta 
________ (stop) outside a cave. Two men _______ (stand) outside, smoking. They _______ (hold) Kalachnikov semi-automatic rifles. Rick smelled danger and ________ (light) a cigarette.

The cave 
______ (be) comfortable inside. There _____ (be) Persian rugs on the floor, electric lamps from Bloomingdale’s, sofas from Harrods and a selection of paintings from the ‘El Corte Ingles’ Christmas Collection.

Suddenly Rick 
_________ (see) a tall man walking towards him from the back of the cave. He _________ (have) a long beard and a white cloth on his head. The Fat Man ___________ (step) forward.

‘Rick, may I introduce the world’s most wanted man, My summer-bin-London.’