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Queridas familias: Les recordamos que para desarrollar las diversas actividades escolares, los alumnos deberán contar con un seguro de Respo...

miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2020

Fortnight assignment 3rd year A

   El presente trabajo se realiza de forma personal. No se admitirán respuestas similares entre estudiantes.

La presentación del trabajo via electrónica debe conservar el formato original. De no ser así el trabajo deberá ser hecho nuevamente o será desaprobado.

Si no entiende alguna de las consignas o alguna palabra, utilice diccionario (del formato más accesible). Si tienes alguna duda puedes consultar por los medios electrónicos disponibles.

Fecha de entrega: 18 de agosto  de 2020, 12,30 hs.

Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Put the verbs into the simple present or present progressive.

1.      Look! He ____________________________________________________ (leave) the house.

2.      Quiet please! I____________________________________________________ (write) a test.

3.      She usually ___________________________________________________ (walk) to school.

4.      But look! Today she _______________________________________________ (go) by bike.

5.      Every Sunday we _____________________________________ (go) to see my grandparents.

6.      He often ____________________________________________________ (go) to the cinema.

7.      We _____________________________________________ (play) Monopoly at the moment.

8.      The child seldom _______________________________________________________ (cry). 

9.      I ______________________________________________ (not / do) anything at the moment.               We______________________________________________ (watch / he) the news regularly?


         Complete the text with simple present or present progressive of the verbs in brackets.

                                                 ZOË THE CHIMP

         Zoë is a very intelligent chimpazee. She  ...................... (live) with Dr. Christine Godwin and her family in California. Dr. Godwin...................... (teach) the chimp to use her hands to say she is hungry, happy or worried. Phll godwin, Christine’s husband,................................... (make) a film of Zoë life for a TV documentary. He ...................................... ( build) a classroom for Zoë next to the house so Zoë now has a room to learn in. It is important that the chimp always ............................(learn)  in the same place every day. After the lessons Zoë ..............................(eat) and.................................(drink) and in the afternoons she ...........................(play) in the house. The Godwins ................................(not watch) her all the time. “We know that when the cage is empty Zoë .........................(go) for a walk”,laugh Phil.




Complete the text with simple present or present progressive of the verbs in brackets

                           A HOLIDAY JOB WITH A DIFFERENCE!

         I (study)…………………….English at Exeter University. I’m on holiday at the moment and   I (work)……………………..in a public library. I’m lucky to have this job. I (not have to)…………….to get up early. The library (open)…………at 10 and (close)………………….at 7. It’s interesting work because people (always come in) …………………….and (ask)……………………….me to help them, so I (learn)…………………..a lot about different subjects. I (enjoy) …………………..the job and (find)………………….it very amusing, too. People (use)………………….the strangest things as bookmarks. I have found a rasher of bacon (uncooked).Matchsticks (be)………………….common and so (be)………………bus tickets. My colleagues (always find)……………………..things too – even a €10 note, but I haven’t been so lucky! I often (think)……………………….of the photo of a beautiful woman which I found. On