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Queridas familias: Les recordamos que para desarrollar las diversas actividades escolares, los alumnos deberán contar con un seguro de Respo...

miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2020

Fortnight assignment I 2nd year A-B


El presente trabajo se realiza de forma personal. No se admitirán respuestas similares entre estudiantes.

La presentación del trabajo via electrónica debe conservar el formato original. De no ser así el trabajo deberá ser hecho nuevamente o será desaprobado.

Si no entiende alguna de las consignas o alguna palabra, utilice diccionario (del formato más accesible). Si tienes alguna duda puedes consultar por los medios electrónicos disponibles.

Fecha de entrega: miércoles 19 de agosto  de 2020, 12,30 hs.


Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Jamie’s School Meals.

      In the UK, schools lunches today are very different from school lunches in the past. Schools canteens don’t serve a lot of chips now, and children eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.

      One person responsible for this change is the popular television chef Jamie Oliver. In the TV series, Jamie visits a lot of schools in different parts of Britain to inspect the type of food that children eat. He observes that in general they don’t eat well, and he decides to prepare meals for the children with fresh ingredients. The results are very positive. After a lunch with fresh food, the children have a lot of energy and they do more work in class.

      Thanks to Jamie’s TV programme, school meals are now very healthy. Schools can’t serve junk food or food with a lot of salt or fat in it. Crisps, chocolate and fizzy drinks are not on the menu, and all meals have fresh fruit or vegetables.

Match the questions with the answers.

1) Who’s Jamie Oliver?                                           A) That children don’t eat well at school.

2) Where does he go on his TV programme?            B) Children have more energy and do more work.

3) What does he observe?                                        C) A chef on TV.

4) What does he do?                                                 D) He prepares healthy meals for schools.

5) What are the result?                                              E) To school.






1)I often see Mark. I____________________ him again only yesterday.

2)As teenagers, we always_______________ each other very well. We still understand each other now.

3) I hardly  __________________________ Ray’s wife. Did you know her at all?

4) We always meet on Sunday. We_____________________ last Sunday as usual.

5) I often find things on the beach. I_______________ this very old bottle yesterday.

6) Someone always leaves that window open. Who_____________ it open this time?

7) They sell all kind of rubbish now, but they once________________ good handmade furniture.

8) She is very good at figures, you know. She___________________ first in maths at school.

9) I have the same car now that I _____________ five years ago.

10) I don’t keep pets now, but I ____________ a dog when I was young