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Queridas familias: Les recordamos que para desarrollar las diversas actividades escolares, los alumnos deberán contar con un seguro de Respo...

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

Fortnight assignment. 4th year A-B


El presente trabajo se realiza de forma personal. No se admitirán respuestas similares entre estudiantes.

La presentación del trabajo via electrónica debe conservar el formato original. De no ser así el trabajo deberá ser hecho nuevamente o será desaprobado.

Si no entiende alguna de las consignas o alguna palabra, utilice diccionario (del formato más accesible). Si tienes alguna duda puedes consultar por los medios electrónicos disponibles.

Fecha de entrega: miércoles 21 de agosto  de 2020, 12,30 hs. 


Match a line in A with a line in B




I like pop music

I love cooking

I like watching cricket

I like skiing

I love dancing

I like classical music

I love the countryside




I often go walking

I often invite friends for dinner

I always have a winter holiday

I often go to discos

I don’t like classical music

I don’t like playing it

I often go to concerts


Reading: Jack and Isabel Tippit

 Jack Tippit and his wife, Isabel, who is Spanish, both work at the Regent Hotel in the centre of London. Jack is a receptionist and Isabel works in the hotel bar.

     Jack says:

    Ten million people visit London every year.  In our hotel we have fifty rooms, and we have visitors from all over the world, especially from America and Japan. I speak English, German, French, and Spanish. I don’t speak Japanese, but I want to learn it. Isabel speaks English and French, and Spanish of course.

     Our visitors like doing many things. On a typical day they have breakfast in the hotel restaurant, an English breakfast with eggs, tea and toasts. After breakfast they visit the houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace and go shopping in Harrods. They come back to the hotel at four o’clock and have tea and relax. Then in the evening they go to the theatre.

    We work long hours. I work from six o’clock in the morning till three in the afternoon, and Isabel works from six in the evening till one in the morning, but we love our work, We like meeting people of all nationalities  

Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1) A lot of foreign visitors come to the hotel. ______________

2) Both Jack and Isabel speak French and German. __________

3) Both Isabel and Jack want to learn Japanese. __________

4) The visitors have breakfast in bed. _________

5) They visit the Houses of Parliament in the morning. ___________

6) They like shopping in Buckingham Palace. ________

7) They have tea in the hotel. _________

8) They relax in the evening. ________

9) Jack and Isabel don’t like their job. __________

10) Jack and Isabel are from Nicaragua. _________



                 not come, earn, get on, study, have, not like, live, prefer, not see, share, want, work.

     I am very different from my boyfriend, Jamie. He ________________ as a vet and __________ quiet a lot of money.  I’m a student and I __________ music at university. I _______ to be a music teacher when I finish.

 Jamie ___________ in a small house in the country and I _____________ a flat with some friends in the city centre. We often ___________ parties in our flat, but Jamie _______________________. He is quite shy, so he doesn’t like being with other people. I’m quite extrovert so I _________________ in a group.

     I ____________ Jamie much because he’s usually busy. But when we’re together, we always ________________ really well. Some people say that opposite attract, and for Jamie and me, it’s true.

Write the past simple of these verbs: be, echo, not answer, not want, pour, strike.

       Paul ______________nervous and he couldn't sleep. The clock in the hall four o'clock and them five. Finally, at six o'clock, he got dressed and went to the kitchen. He  __________ some milk and drank it. Are you ok? his mother asked. Paul _______________. He __________ to speak to anyone this morning instead, he took his schoolbag and left the house. The street was empty and his footsteps _________ on the pavement. Ten minutes later, he was standing in front of a big building. It was his first day at the new school.

Complete the question according to the answer.

1) _______________________ get up? He got up at six o'clock.

2) _______________________ for breakfast? He only had a glass of milk.

3) _________________________________ ? she asked, Are you ok?

4) ________________________________ ? He didn't say anything.

5) ________________________________ ? In the street.

 Read the story and answer the questions:

      David sought a new hobby. He thought that he might like fishing. So he bought a fishing rod and his father taught him how to catch a fish. After some time he caught a fish. The fish fought for its life but David won. He brought it home and they ate it.

1) Why did David start fishing? _____________________________________________________

2) Who taught him fishing?  ________________________________________________________

3) What did he buy? _______________________________________________________________

4) What did he catch? ______________________________________________________________

5) What did he do with the fish? _____________________________________________________


                                                 Adjectives: -ed and -ing

A lot of adjectives are made from verbs by adding -ing or -ed:

The commonest -ing adjectives are:













If you call something interesting you mean it interests you. 
If you call something frightening you mean it frightens you.

I read a very interesting article in the newspaper today.
That Dracula film was absolutely terrifying.

-ed adjectives:

The commonest –ed adjectives are:












If something annoys you, you can say you feel annoyed. If something interests you, you can say you are interested.

The children had nothing to do. They were bored.



- We can use adjectives ending in “ing” for things or people. Remember that when we use “ing” it is describing the person or thing.
- We can use the “ed” ONLY for people (or animals) because THINGS CANNOT FEEL.

We can say:
Felipe is boring. (describes his personality).
Felipe is bored. (describes Felipe situation of not being entertained at the moment)

We can’t say:
The TV program is bored  INCORRECT (because things can’t feel).


Choose the correct form of the adjective according to the context.

1)      Monday is very bored / boring. It is the first day of the week.
2)      I’m bored / boring with my job. It’s always the same.
3)      When we lost the football game, we felt depressed / depressing.
4)      My team never wins. It is very depressed / depressing.

5)      Reading a book is very relaxed / relaxing.
6)      I am very relaxed / relaxing at the weekend.
7)      The movie I watched yesterday was very interested / interesting.
8)      I’m not very interested / interesting in studying French. I prefer English.
9)      Julio is very excited / exciting about his brand new car.
10)   The Barcelona – Inter match was very excited / exciting.

Complete each sentence using one adjective ending in –ed or –ing

a) Sally has been running for three hours and now she is……………………………..

b)  My brother had an accident and his situation is quite ………………………………

 c) When we visited that abandoned house it was really ……………………………….

 d)I think he was …………………………  because he called me Mary and my name is Rose

  e) That film is not ……………………..  despite being a comedy

 f)  Your bathroom is ………………….. ! Couldn’t you clean it a little?

  g) Are you …………………  in reading one of my novels?

  h)  What is the most  …………………………………..  story you’ve ever heard?

  i)  It was the most ……………………….  meeting I have ever attended.

  j)  When we broke the vase, we felt very …………………………………..



Turn the adjectives into adverbs to complete the story: careful, good, happy, loud, nervous, quick

    A four o'clock that afternoon, Paul left the office with his friends. They were all talking and laughing _____________. Then he said goodbye and walked home, smiling ________________. He walked ______________ because he wanted to get home and tell his wife about his day. What was it like? His wife asked him ___________. It was great! He said. He ___________explained all the details of his new office. Later that night, he slept _____________.