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Queridas familias: Les recordamos que para desarrollar las diversas actividades escolares, los alumnos deberán contar con un seguro de Respo...

jueves, 18 de junio de 2020

3°"B"- Inglés (solución de ejercicios subidos el 16/6)

June 18th

Hello everybody! Below, I´m leaving you the solution to the exercises I left you last tuesday:

Page 16

Exercise 1) Vocabulary: helmet (casco): a- knee pads (rodilleras): f- boots (botas):g- sunscreen (pantalla solar): b-  goggles (antiparras/ anteojos de protección): c- elbow pads (coderas): e-
gloves (guantes): d

Exercise 2: The leaflet is about safety in sport.

Exercise 3: wear safety equipment- warm up (hacer precalentamiento) before you exercise- don´t copy everything professional sportspeople do.

Page 17

Exercise 5: a) What do I do to play safe?
                   b) You should wear the right equipment.
                   c) You shouldn´t take risks.

Exercise 7: a) I eat a lot of sweets: You shouldn´t eat sweets.
                   b) I always drink cola- I never drink water: You should drink more water.
                   c) I have three hamburgers every day: You shouldn´t eat hamburgers.
                   d) I never eat fruit: You should eat more fruit.
                   e) I get bad marks in all my exams: You should study more.
                   f) My T- shirt is dirty: You should wash your T- shirt.
                   g) I watch TV five hours a day: You should watch less TV.
                   h) My face burns in the sun: You should wear sunscreen.

Page 101

Exercise 3: a) You shouldn´t eat a lot of sweets.
                   b) You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
                   c) You should drink a lot of water.
                   d) You shouldn´t go to bed late.
                   e) You should sleep about eight hours a day.

Exercise 4: a) You should wear knee pads when you go rollerblading.
                   b) You should wear sunscreen when you practise sports outside.

Exercise 5: Story 1: c- Story 2: d

  • Please, check what you´ve done carefully and correct if it is necessary.

Have a nice weekend!
