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Queridas familias: Les recordamos que para desarrollar las diversas actividades escolares, los alumnos deberán contar con un seguro de Respo...

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2020

Fortnight II (5º A/B)


   El presente trabajo se realiza de forma personal. No se admitirán respuestas similares entre estudiantes.

La presentación del trabajo debe ser en formato digital, archivo Word; tipografía: Times New Roman; Fuente: 12.  De no ser así el trabajo deberá ser hecho nuevamente o será desaprobado.

Si no entiende alguna de las consignas o alguna palabra, utilice diccionario (del formato más accesible). Si tienes alguna duda puedes consultar por los medios electrónicos disponibles.

Fecha de entrega: viernes 30 de Octubre  de 2020, 12,30 hs.                                                                        


Name: ___________________________________________________________________



    Gary Moore is a police officer in Birmingham. He ___________ (love) his work. I _________________ (think) my job is brilliant, he______________ (say). I __________ (ride) around Birmingham on a motorbike. I _______________ (not work) in an office all day. Gary __________ (work) hard. He _________________ (get up) very early in the morning. He (not stay out) late.

   Gary’s girlfriend, Jade, ___________________ (manage) a restaurant. I _________________ (like) my job. We ___________ (cook) great food here and we _____________ (have) excellent music. And I ____________ (not have) a boss. I am the boss.

  Gary and Jade ___________ (not go out) together a lot. Gary __________ (not think) it’s a problem. We ________ (speak) on the phone a lot and we __________ (meet) at Jade’s restaurant. I___________ (go) there after work and ____________ (listen to) music and ____________ (watch) Jade! She’s a very good manager.

Write corresponding nationality.

Example: Queen Elizabeth II lives in England. She is English.

1. Justin Bieber comes from USA. He is_________________ 

2. Jean Pierre is from France. He is _____________________

3. Jakim is from Turkey. He is _________________________

4. Violetta is from Argentina. She is _____________________

5. Valentino lives in Italy. He is ________________________

Complete the following paragraph with simple present or present continuous.

(You / sit)…………………………………comfortably? Good! I (hope)………………………you (study) this text carefully because I (have)…………………………news for you. The Guinness Book of Records(not included)………………………………..records for eating any more. People who (try)…………………………………… to swallow 47 hard-boiled eggs in a half a minute will have to do it for pleasure and not to get into the record book. We (regard)…………………………..these records as unhealthy, said the book editor, Mr Donald Mac Farlan. However, one record –holder will remain. He is Michael Lotito of Grenoble (Monsieur Mangetout). Since 1966, he has chomped his way through10 bicycles, 7 TV sets and a light aircraft. He’s likely to remain world champ, unless you (want)………………………………..to challenge him, of course.

 WRITE TRUE SENTENCES USING LOVE, HATE and the verbs: dance, paint, sing, speak English, swim, play chess.

1) _________________________________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________________

3) _________________________________________________________________________

4) _________________________________________________________________________

5) _________________________________________________________________________


1) Always/France/to/ go/we/ spring/in. ___________________________________________________________________

2) Stay/ hotel/a/usually/we/in. ____________________________________________________________________

3) plane/sometimes/by/go/we. ____________________________________________________________________

4) sometimes/go/we/ferry/by. _____________________________________________________________________

5) Children/ with/ never/ our/ us/ come. _______________________________________________________________________

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOU. USE THE FOLLOWING PHRASES: Every morning/ evening, every day, every Friday, once a week, twice a month, (three or four times)  a year, never.

1) How often do you go swimming? _________________________________________________

2) How often do you go to the cinema? _______________________________________________

3) How often do you have a shower or a bath? __________________________________________

4) How often do you go shopping? ___________________________________________________

5) How often do you read a newspaper? _______________________________________________




1) What’s the first thing you do in the morning? __________________________________

2) Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast? ______________________________________

3) What do you do in the evenings? ____________________________________________

4) What do you do on Sundays? ______________________________________________

5) Where do you go on holiday? _______________________________________________

6) Do you sometimes have a winter holiday? _____________________________________

7) What does your family usually do at Christmas? ________________________________




1) Where ______________________________________________? (you/ go to university)

2) What _______________________________________________? (you/ last night)

3) What _______________________________________________? (TV programmes/ your best friend/ watch)

4) When _______________________________________________? (your/ birthday)

5) Where _______________________________________________? (you/ from)

6) Where _______________________________________________? (your friends/ go/ holiday last year)

7) What kind of books _____________________________________? (you/ read)

8) Why _________________________________________________? (you/ angry yesterday)

Complete the sentences using the following verbs. Make, run, stay, eat, not have, travel, be(x2), not eat, want, speak, not like.

1) If I ___________________ hungry, I _____________ something.

2) If I ___________________ any money, I _______________ at home and watch a video or listen to music.

3) If you  ________________ a phone call after 8pm, it  ______________ cheaper.

4) If you__________________ Spanish, you can ______________ to a lot of different countries.

5) If my dog _______________ to play, it _______________ round in circles. It’s very funny!

Order the words to make sentences

1) Will/ of/ she/ money/ take/ all/ probably/ his. ________________________________________

2) Die/ Robin/ won’t. _____________________________________________________________

3) Call/ I/ some/ order/ will/ and/pizza. ________________________________________________

4) Get/ she/ married/ will. __________________________________________________________

5) Vegetarian one/ will/ I/ have/ the. __________________________________________________



Complete the following sentences.

1) What __________________ (you/do) if it _____________(rain) tomorrow?

2) If she __________________ (not/study), she ________________ (not pass) her exams.

3) If _____________________ (you/have) time this summer, where _______________ (you/go) on holiday?

4) I ______________________ (buy) that computer if I __________________ (have) enough money next month.

5) _______________________ (you/go) next weekend if  _________________ (not have to) study?



1) We stayed at a campsite. ______________________________________in a hotel.

2) They bought postcards. ____________________________________any souvenirs.

3) The people were unfriendly. _________________________________very helpful.

4) I sunbathed on the beach. ___________________________________by the pool.

5) We hired bikes. _______________________________________________ a car.

6) He spent a month in Bangkok. ______________________________a week there.

7) Our room was dirty. _______________________________________very clean.

Write a comment of your last summer holidays in 50 words.
