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Queridas familias: Les recordamos que para desarrollar las diversas actividades escolares, los alumnos deberán contar con un seguro de Respo...

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2020

Fortnight II (actividad inglés 3ºA)


   El presente trabajo se realiza de forma personal. No se admitirán respuestas similares entre estudiantes.

La presentación del trabajo via electrónica debe conservar el formato original. De no ser así el trabajo deberá ser hecho nuevamente o será desaprobado.

Si no entiende alguna de las consignas o alguna palabra, utilice diccionario (del formato más accesible). Si tienes alguna duda puedes consultar por los medios electrónicos disponibles.

Fecha de entrega: Viernes 30 de Octubre  de 2020, 12,30 hs.


Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Read the following paragraph

Jeffrey Roberts

   Jeffrey Roberts is a hospital manager. He works in a large hospital in Manchester in the north of England.

  He gets up at half past seven every day and has eggs and toast for breakfast. Then he walks to the hospital because it is very close to his home. He starts work at eight o’clock. At eleven he stops work for a ten minutes coffee break.

   He always has lunch at the hospital. In the afternoon he has meetings with doctors. He finishes work at six o’clock.

   On Tuesdays and Thursdays he plays tennis in the evening. He usually goes away for the weekend with his partner.

Make questions about Jeffrey

1) _________________________________________________? In a hospital.

2) ________________________________________________? At seven thirty.

3) ________________________________________________? Eggs and toasts.

4) ________________________________________________? He walks.

5) _______________________________________________? Because it is very close to his house.

6) _______________________________________________? To have a coffee break.

7) _______________________________________________? At the hospital.

8) ________________________________________________? Doctors.

9) ________________________________________________? On Tuesdays and Thursdays.

10) _____________________________________________? He usually goes away with his partner.





1) To be born _____________                                a) get up late

2) Went to sleep __________                                 b) open.

3) Began _________                                               c) to die

4) Get up early ________                                        d) ended

5) Stay up late _________                                        e) go to bed early

6) Closed _______                                                    f) woke up



Complete the conversation with the words from the box.


Outgoing            met          married              got up            intelligent           went      why


Jack: I’m going to get ______________________________________

Alice: Congratulations! ______________ did you wait so long?

Jack: I was looking for a woman who was really __________________ and __________________

Alice: How did you meet her?

Jack: Well one day last fall I ______________early and grocery shopping at 7am.

Alice: and you ____________________ her in the grocery store?

Jack: that’s right.