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Queridas familias: Les recordamos que para desarrollar las diversas actividades escolares, los alumnos deberán contar con un seguro de Respo...

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

Período de recuperación Primer año A


                                               Período de recuperación Diciembre 2020

Lengua adicional: Inglés

Curso: Primer año A

Docente: Ibarra, Adrián


Nombre y Apellido


2º Trimestre

3º Trimestrre

Aguilera, Valentina

Arancibia,  Dayana

Arzamendia, Alexis


Blas Vega, Joaquín

Caballero Ordoñez, Fabricio Agustín

Ceballos Torres, Martín

Cosme Hermosa, Aileen

de Rosa Gomez, Candela Victoria

Escalante, Emma Belén

Ferreyra, Alberto

Gallardo Olmedo, Diana Ashley

León Navarro, Britany Jazmín

Mora Ciriaco, Josmar

Nuñez, Franco Daniel

Rivera Cabrera, Matías Nahuel

Salazar Acosta,Nahiara Celeste

Vera, Lucas Damián

Rivas Canaviris, Carlos Santiago

Vigamonte Benavidez, Johrdy

Alphabet. Spelling words and names. Wh - question words: what, where, when, which, who, how, how old, how often, how much, how many.

Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they. Object Pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them. Possessive Adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their Possessive Pronoun: mine, yours, its, his, hers, ours, theirs. Demostrative pronouns: This, that, these, those. Numbers: 1- a million.


Telling the time: What time is it?    It’s……Verb TO BE: affirmative, negative, interrogative forms. Nationalities and Countries.

Personal information: giving and asking for.

The Family: members, father, mother, son, daughter, grandmother, grandmother, cousin, niece, nephew. Describing a person.


Present Continuous: Structure. Momentary events. Affirmative, negative, interrogative.

There is / There are: affirmative, negative, interrogative.

Modal verb: CAN, structure. Expressing ability and possibility. Affirmative, negative, interrogative. Connectors: And –But. Describing places.

Present Continuous: Structure. Momentary events. Affirmative, negative, interrogative.

Likes and dislikes: Verb TO LIKE + v-ing: uses, structure. Expressing what you like and what you don’t like doing.

Simple Present:  habits and routines. Structure: “-s” form of the verbs for the third person singular.

Simple Present: auxiliary verb Do – Does. Interrogative and negative. Simple Present: adverbs of frequency: Always, usually, sometimes, often, hardly ever, never.