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Queridas familias: Les recordamos que para desarrollar las diversas actividades escolares, los alumnos deberán contar con un seguro de Respo...

jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

1°"B"- Inglés

June 4th. (Today is cold and sunny)

Hello, beautiful people! How are you? I hope you´re all very fine!

1)There is- There are: complete with is/are (Completen con is/are según corresponda)

Example: There is one bed in my bedroom
                There are two books on the desk.

1) There ------- three apples on the table.
2) There ------- a computer in her house.
3) There ------- 26 children in this classroom.
4) There ------- five dolls in that box.
5) There ------- only one candy in the jar.
6) There ------- a bus coming at 3 o´clock.

2) Complete with can or can´t (according to your abilities). Completar con can o can´t de acuerdo a tus habilidades:

Example: I can speak english.
                 I can´t speak german.

1) I---- play the guitar.
2) I ----- dance very well.
3) I ----- play soccer.
4) I ------ cook cakes.
5) I ------ run very fast.
6) I ------ swim.

Un beso y tengan lindo fin de semana! Have a nice weekend!
